Road Map

Ahh Sheets Road Map

(may not follow order)

Work With Current Users

We are an active Facebook group. Suggestions are always welcome. We rapidly build and deploy code sometimes weekly. This allows us to stay ahead, adjust fast, and move together as a team.

Minimize Layout Options

Quick layout functions to adjust in bulk to make easier to see the complete flow and reduce header size, etc.

Add More AI Images

Add AI Images like Ideogram and Flux to our process.

Presets To Save Multiple Configs

Save settings and add details about companies along with tracking things like keywords. This will allow you to manage mulitple versions of access and settings.

Build and Improve Advanced Writer in Bulk Content Sheets:

Enhance the capabilities of our bulk content generation tools to produce even more sophisticated and high-quality content at scale.

Knowledge Management

Develop knowledge process to bring into the Max sheets. This will allow you to add details and feed this to the AI to consider.

Launch Server To Power Advanced Tools

Server with API for Aah Sheet will be developed to allow accesst to various tools. This will include storing and bulk editing / optimizing images, knowledge management engine, to advanced reporting and much more. A server will allow us to super charge the sheets. Will keep the costs low, but will be offered at a small monthly fee as an add-on.

Optimize Keyword and Silo Tool:

Refine the keyword and silo tools to better prepare and structure data, making bulk content creation more effective and targeted.

Enhance Context & Prompt Injection Tags:

Develop advanced {task=} tags and other injection techniques to provide users with greater control and improve the overall quality of generated content.

Integrate Scraping Capabilities:

Introduce scraping functionality within sheets to enrich articles with more relevant and contextual information through {task=} tags.

Improve Video Training and Courses:

Expand and refine our video training resources to provide users with better guidance on using Ah! Sheets to its full potential.

Expand SEO and AI Education:

Create comprehensive educational content focused on SEO strategies and AI technologies to help users maximize the value of Ah! Sheets.

Develop Coding Education:

Offer coding tutorials and resources to empower users to customize and extend the capabilities of their sheets.

Enhance Shopify Tools:

Investigate and implement improvements to our Shopify integrations, making it even easier for users to manage and optimize their ecommerce platforms.